Auf dieser Seite erwartet dich unsere Auswahl an Beertasting-Probiervideos, die dir einen authentischen Einblick in die Welt der Camba Biere bieten.
Internationale Biere
Camba Free IPA
NEW!! Camba Free IPA
Camba IPA
Camba IPA
An India Pale Ale in a honey-yellow color, with a pronounced hop aroma and fruity mango and kiwi tones. A refreshingly intense beer for lovers of exotic flavors.
Camba Amber
Camba Amber
An amber ale with the scent of ripe cherries, wild berries and plums, complemented by delicate honey and caramel tones. A beautiful amber color and a harmonious character.
Camba Imperial IPA
Camba Imperial IPA
An Imperial India Pale Ale with a strong hop bitterness that rests on a pronounced malt body. The long-lasting bitterness ensures an intense and distinctive taste experience.
Camba Black Shark
Camba Black Shark
Not for the faint of heart: An Imperial Black India Pale Ale with distinctive roasted aromas, coffee and dark chocolate tones, harmonised with strong hop notes for an intense flavour profile.
Camba Island Neipa
Camba Island
A New England India Pale Ale, naturally cloudy, with a tropical fruit basket scent that combines passion fruit, orange and papaya. A refreshing treat full of exotic aromas.
Chiemsee Edition
Chiemsee Session
NEW! Chiemsee Session
Chiemsee Wit
Chiemsee WIT
A Belgian witbier, sparkling and fruity with citrus and orange notes, rounded off with light spicy notes. Ideal as an aperitif and ensures a refreshing start to the evening.
Chiemsee Pale
A classic pale ale with an exotic aroma of mango and passion fruit, accompanied by pronounced citrus notes. A fruity beer that invigorates and delights the palate.
Chiemsee Hopla
Chiemsee Hopla
A dry hop lager with fruity hop flowers and light malt aromas. Refreshing and aromatic, perfect for connoisseurs of hoppy but well-balanced beers.
Please note: This product is currently still being delivered in the previous packaging/design. The new design will follow soon
Chiemsee Black
A black lager, deep black, with a pleasant harmony of cocoa, dark chocolate and roasted aromas. A full-bodied beer that impresses with its intense taste.
Limited Edition
Schnabulierer - Limited Edition January 2025
A Belgian Ale with herbal and pear notes, particularly slim and dry thanks to special yeast. Only a few breweries use this yeast know-how for a unique, harmonious taste experience.
Murphie's Red
Murphie's Ale - Limited Edition February 2025
An Irish Red Ale, full of character and malty, with a bright fox-red color. Clear and with a white head - a balanced beer with an intense flavor.
Champ Gang
Champ Gang - Limited Edition March 2025
A Brut Pale Ale, dry, fruity and tangy, with a hint of nectarine aromas. Dark straw yellow with medium turbidity - refreshing and lively in taste.
Bavarian Summer
Camba Bavarian Summer - Limited Edition April 2025
A session India Pale Ale with elegant hop notes of grapefruit and peach – refreshing and fruity, perfect for looking forward to summer.
Oatlander - Limited Edition May 2025
An East Coast Wheat, fruity and fresh with a velvety finish. Straw yellow, strong cloudiness and a bright head - a refreshing, perfectly balanced beer.
Summer Kiss
Summer Kiss - Limited Edition June 2025
A saison, refreshing and dry with light fruity notes. Pear yellow with a hazy turbidity - a lively beer that provides pleasant freshness with its character.
Lovely Chiemgau
Lovely Chiemgau - Limited Edition July 2025
A Grisette, originally the miners' beer and the little sister of the Saison. Sparkling, slightly fruity and refreshing - ideal for anyone who enjoys lively and mild beers.
Nelson Reloaded
Brewmaster Edition #74 - Nelson Reloaded
A dry hop wheat with fine fruity aromas of grape and gooseberry. The name "Nelson" is derived from the Nelson Sauvin hop and ensures a unique, refreshing taste experience.
Hop Gun
Camba Hop Gun - Limited Edition September 2025
A dry hop brown ale with fruity notes of apricot, peach and nectarine, complemented by light caramel notes. Copper-colored and full-bodied - a balanced, aromatic beer.
Imperial Power Porter
Camba Hop Gun - Limited Edition September 2025
A dry hop brown ale with fruity notes of apricot, peach and nectarine, complemented by light caramel notes. Copper-colored and full-bodied - a balanced, aromatic beer.
Camba Hop Gun - Limited Edition September 2025
A dry hop brown ale with fruity notes of apricot, peach and nectarine, complemented by light caramel notes. Copper-colored and full-bodied - a balanced, aromatic beer.
Camba Hop Gun - Limited Edition September 2025
A dry hop brown ale with fruity notes of apricot, peach and nectarine, complemented by light caramel notes. Copper-colored and full-bodied - a balanced, aromatic beer.